Writer Gan Turali: Peacekeepers serve interests of puppet regime instead of doing their job

Writer Gan Turali: Peacekeepers serve interests of puppet regime instead of doing their job "Unfortunately, we see peacekeepers serving the interests of the puppet regime instead of doing their job," Writer Gan Turali (Jafarov), who joined the protest held in the Karabakh economic district on the part of the Shusha-Khankendi road, which is under
December 12, 2022 12:58
Writer Gan Turali: Peacekeepers serve interests of puppet regime instead of doing their job

Peacekeepers are serving the interests of the puppet regime instead of doing their job, writer Gan Turali (Jafarov), who joined the protest held in the Karabakh economic district on the part of the Shusha-Khankandi road, which is under the temporary control of Russian peacekeepers, demanding an end to environmental terrorism, said in his statement to Report.

The writer said that the mandate of the Russian peacekeepers was not defined when the November 10 statement was signed and that they still abuse their powers.

According to him, now there is a de facto anarchic regime here, and the peacekeepers have become the henchmen of that regime:

"The jurisdiction of the Republic of Azerbaijan cannot work in these territories although these are Azerbaijani territories. It is due to the inaction of the Russian peacekeepers. We, as activists, object to the happenings and believe that peacekeepers' activities should be organized following international conventions, and the interests of the state and people of Azerbaijan should be ensured in the region."

"As President Ilham Aliyev has repeatedly stated, Armenians living in Karabakh are full-fledged citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan. We should enter into dialogue with them and find the most suitable forms of coexistence. I think both sides have the desire and determination to do so. However, the third force standing between the parties does not allow dialogue to become real," the writer stressed.

Gan Turali asserted that they call on the head of the peacekeeping contingent Andrey Volkov to act in accordance with his mandate:

"Peacekeepers should not be a toy, soldiers of a separatist regime here."

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