Over 4,000 families to return to over 70 villages of Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur in 2024

Over 4,000 families to return to over 70 villages of Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur in 2024 Next year, over 4,000 families will return to more than 70 Azerbaijan’s villages liberated from occupation
September 29, 2023 14:14
Over 4,000 families to return to over 70 villages of Karabakh, Eastern Zangazur in 2024

Next year, over 4,000 families will return to more than 70 Azerbaijan’s villages liberated from occupation, Chairman of the State Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture Anar Guliyev said at the II National Urban Planning Forum in Zangilan, Report informs.

He noted that 28 villages will be built in Karabakh and Eastern Zangazur: “Modern transport and other infrastructure opportunities are being created in these territories.”

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