Armenia irresponsibly delays demarcation of borders, signing peace agreement

Armenia irresponsibly delays demarcation of borders, signing peace agreement After the end of the 44-day Patriotic War with the glorious Victory of Azerbaijan, the beginning of new geopolitical processes in the South Caucasus, the foundation of a new era in the region's history was laid.
February 11, 2022 11:29
Armenia irresponsibly delays demarcation of borders, signing peace agreement

After the end of the 44-day Patriotic War with the glorious Victory of Azerbaijan, new geopolitical processes were begun in the South Caucasus, and the foundation of a new era was laid in the region's history. Now all the functions in the area are taking place under Azerbaijan's undoubted leadership and dictation. A favourable environment for lasting security, stability, and peace can be created by signing a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia following the Second Karabakh War.

The delimitation and demarcation of borders between the two countries is a prerequisite for implementing many projects, including the establishment of a new format of cooperation and the creation of the Zangazur corridor. The demarcation of borders is a fundamental process, and the number one issue for the parties to be insured against future conflicts in the existing border areas and for mutual cooperation. However, for some reason, this process worries Armenians more than the liberation of Azerbaijani lands, which they have occupied for many years.

The main issues reflected in the next statement signed during the Sochi meeting on November 26 last year were the lifting of the blockade of transport links and the establishment of a bilateral commission to determine the state border between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The resolution of the issues mentioned in the statement, particularly the delimitation and demarcation of the state border, is a critical preparatory stage for signing a peace agreement.

However, even though Azerbaijan is fully committed to fulfilling its obligations, Armenia is deliberately delaying the resolution of these issues. Although Armenian officials often make various conciliatory statements, they avoid them under multiple pretexts for a specific joint venture. Even after the bitter defeat in the war, the Armenian Diaspora in the United States and France, as well as some insidious forces in Armenia, continue to poison the views of their compatriots and do not want to give up revenge.

The reason for the failure in demarcation so far is the unconstructive position of official Yerevan, its inability to put up with the actual situation in the region, and living with utopian ideas such as obtaining the status of the so-called "NKR" with the help of international institutions, especially the OSCE Minsk Group. Armenia's inadequate actions caused incidents on the border over the past period. A commission on delimitation and demarcation of the state border between Armenia and Azerbaijan has not been set up yet.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has stated that although we are ready to sign a peace agreement with Armenia, there is no official reaction from Armenia: "The information we have received through unofficial channels is that Armenia is not ready for this. I think this would be a big mistake. Just as the Armenian side made great mistakes and committed war crimes both on the eve of and during the war. This may be yet another grave mistake."

The fact that international organizations and individual interested countries have expressed their support for signing a peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia and the demarcation of the border only in words and do not put any serious pressure on Armenia for this also brings the issue to a deadlock.

Following the presentation of mine maps of the liberated territories in exchange for the recent handover of Armenian servicemen and civilians to the Armenian side, which was a clear example of Azerbaijan's commitment to the principles of humanism, those people who returned to Armenia were investigated and arrested in their home countries, and a significant part of the mine maps provided was incorrect. All this once again shows the real intentions of Armenia in these processes. Armenia's refusal to fulfil its obligation it undertook on February 4, in a video conference with the participation of the Presidents of France and Azerbaijan, the Presidents of the Council of the European Union, and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia to provide the Azerbaijani side with information about the places of Azerbaijani citizens went missing in the First Karabakh War and the mass graves where they were buried has revealed the true Armenian character.

Despite all these circumstances, some foreign forces seeking to undermine peace in Armenia and the region must realize the new reality in the region, renounce revanchist fantasies, understand the importance of delimitation and demarcation of borders without any conditions, the signing of a peace agreement, trilateral statements, and that compliance with tripartite treaties and other agreements between the parties is inevitable. Although the Armenian leadership wants to obstruct the process of demarcation and delay the process, it must not forget that it is obliged to implement the act of capitulation and other relevant documents to the last paragraph.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev: "I have said that our benevolent behaviour does not have to be eternal, and these proposals don't need to remain on the table forever. If they do not want to recognize our territorial integrity, we will not recognize it. We have perhaps a hundred times more grounds not to recognize the territorial integrity of Armenia than they have not to recognize ours."

Armenia's avoidance of concluding a peace agreement under various pretexts means that it does not recognize Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and borders. It means that Armenia refuses to live in peace with Azerbaijan in good neighbourliness. The new hazardous activities of the defeated country may lead to its complete downfall. If Armenia, whose economy is in a state of disarray and is left without an army, refuses the peace agreement, it will be the loser. Armenia must not forget that the Azerbaijani Army, which has shattered their myth of "invincibility", is ready to demonstrate its strength again at any moment!

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