Anar Aliyev: Azerbaijan applies world practice of goiter treatment

Anar Aliyev: Azerbaijan applies world practice of goiter treatment "Treatment of a new method leaves no scars"
September 7, 2015 10:40
Anar Aliyev: Azerbaijan applies world practice of goiter treatment

Baku. 7 September . REPORT.AZ/ "Toxic goiter is manifested mainly weight loss, palpitations, excessive sweating, irritability, in some cases, the lack of sensitivity of the skin to moisture."

Report was told by Anar Aliyev, Doctor of the National Cancer Center of the Ministry of Health, a specialist in diseases of the thyroid gland and head of the department of radionuclide therapy.

A.Aliyev spoke about the modern methods of treatment of the disease. According to him, there are three methods of treatment of toxic goiter: "Toxic goiter treated by classic medication, surgery and radioiodine therapy, also called atomic treatment or" bloodless surgery of the thyroid gland".

Such treatment receive by 400-500 patients per year. In the glass of water is added radioactive iodine and give to the patient. After this, thyroid goiter decreases toxicity is stopped and the patient is recovering. The patient does not operate. On the neck of scars do not remain, as there is no need to take drugs against goiter."

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