Iran commander threatens to kidnap Netanyahu

Iran commander threatens to kidnap Netanyahu The Iranian regime's commander of the Revolutionary Guards in the province of Isfahan said on Sunday that the theocratic state seeks to kidnap Benjamin Netanyahu and bring him to the Islamic Republic as a slave, Report informs, citing the Jerusalem Post.
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November 22, 2022 13:27
Iran commander threatens to kidnap Netanyahu

The Iranian regime's commander of the Revolutionary Guards in the province of Isfahan said on Sunday that the theocratic state seeks to kidnap Benjamin Netanyahu and bring him to the Islamic Republic as a slave, Report informs, citing the Jerusalem Post.

The Iranian-regime-controlled Bahar News reported that Mojtaba Fada, the commander of Isfahan's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), said "The former prime minister of the Zionist regime hoped that the protests in Iran would lead him to travel to Tehran [in a post-protest, Mullah-free Iran], but God willing, the Islamic Republic will prevail [and quash the protests, once again taking charge of the country] and will frog march that prime minister to Iran wearing a leash and a slave collar."

Fada also urged the destruction of the Jewish state, calling it "the child-murdering regime (of) Israel."

The German-Iranian dissident Kazem Moussavi told the Jerusalem Post that Fada sought to conjure up an image of enslaving the prime minister.

Iranian authorities are currently suspecting intelligence agencies of Israel, the United States, Britain and Saudi Arabia of involvement in the unrest across the country. According to a statement by the Islamic Republic's intelligence ministry and the intelligence services of the IRGC, the US CIA, the British intelligence services, the Israeli intelligence Mossad and Saudi intelligence "played a clear role in the unrest and violence" that took place in Iran.

According to Tehran, the purpose of this was to "undermine security" in the country. The document notes that the planning and practical implementation of most of the riots was carried out by the Mossad in cooperation with the Takfiri groups.

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