Swiss House of Representatives refuses to recognize Palestine as a state

Swiss House of Representatives refuses to recognize Palestine as a state By 131 votes to 61 with 2 abstentions, the House of Representatives said ‘no’ to the postulate put forth Fabian Molina of the Social Democratic Party. Only the Social Democratic Party and the Greens supported it. However, the topic raised numerous questio
Other countries
June 4, 2024 16:08
Swiss House of Representatives refuses to recognize Palestine as a state

By 131 votes to 61 with 2 abstentions, the House of Representatives said ‘no’ to the postulate put forth Fabian Molina of the Social Democratic Party. Only the Social Democratic Party and the Greens supported it. However, the topic raised numerous questions in the House of Representatives. The tone was, at times, emotional.

Report informs via foreign media that Norway, Ireland and Spain recently announced that they would recognize a state of Palestine. Molina also believes that two sovereign states, Israel and Palestine, are the basis for a lasting and just peace. The motion called for the recognition of Palestine on condition that the Israeli hostages kidnapped by Hamas on October 7, 2023 are released.

According to the text of the motion, the Federal Council would have been “invited” to follow this decision and communicate it through the usual diplomatic channels.

Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis stated that Switzerland continues to support a two-state solution in which Israel and Palestine could exist side by side within recognised borders. However, the Federal Council does not believe that the time is right to recognise Palestine.

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