ISW: Drone strike on Kremlin was linternally conducted and purposefully staged

ISW: Drone strike on Kremlin was linternally conducted and purposefully staged The drone strike on the Kremlin was internally conducted and purposefully staged, said the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Report informs.
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May 4, 2023 10:23
ISW: Drone strike on Kremlin was linternally conducted and purposefully staged

The drone strike on the Kremlin was internally conducted and purposefully staged, said the US Institute for the Study of War (ISW), Report informs.

“Russia likely staged this attack in an attempt to bring the war home to a Russian domestic audience and set conditions for a wider societal mobilization. Russian authorities have recently taken steps to increase Russian domestic air defense capabilities, including within Moscow itself, and it is therefore extremely unlikely that two drones could have penetrated multiple layers of air defense and detonated or been shot down just over the heart of the Kremlin in a way that provided spectacular imagery caught nicely on camera,” ISW said.

According to the US institute, the rapid and coherent presentation of an official Russian narrative around the strike suggests that Russia staged this incident in close proximity to the May 9th Victory Day holiday in order to frame the war as existential to its domestic audience.

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