Brexit: UK and EU share 1,246 page trade agreement

Brexit: UK and EU share 1,246 page trade agreement Both sides published the treaty running at up to 1,246 pages on the morning of Boxing Day, as Boris Johnson works to persuade Eurosceptic Tories to back it as the "right deal" for the country.
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December 26, 2020 15:07
Brexit: UK and EU share 1,246 page trade agreement

The UK's Brexit deal with the EU has been published just five days before Britain leaves the bloc.

Both sides published the treaty running at up to 1,246 pages on the morning of Boxing Day, as Boris Johnson works to persuade Eurosceptic Tories to back it as the "right deal" for the country.

However, the deal appears to be scant on detail over the crucial financial sector's access to the EU.

It says the two sides simply commit "to establish a favorable climate for the development of trade and investment between them."

B. Johnson has also been slammed over fishing rights, with industry representatives claiming he has "bottled it" in negotiations.

The Prime Minister acknowledged "the devil is in the detail" but insisted the deal would stand up to inspection from the European Research Group (ERG) of Brexiteers, who will assemble a panel of lawyers to examine the full text.

His message to Tory MPs came as the EU's 27 member states indicated they would formally back the deal agreed by the UK with Brussels' officials within days.

EU ambassadors were briefed on Michel Barnier's contents, who led Brussels' negotiating team in the talks with the UK.

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