Anatolie Nosatîi: Moldova ready to defend its territory

Anatolie Nosatîi: Moldova ready to defend its territory Minister of Defence of the Republic of Moldova Anatolie Nosatîi gave an interview to Report's Eastern Europe Bureau. 
May 18, 2023 14:53
Anatolie Nosatîi: Moldova ready to defend its territory

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Moldova Anatolie Nosatîi gave an interview to Report's Eastern Europe Bureau.

"If the situation will change, the Armed Forces, our institution, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, will defend the country with all available means," he told Report.
According to him, Ukrainian Armed Forces will not allow Russia to advance in the direction of Mykolaiv, Odesa or to conduct the naval operation in the vicinity of Odesa. But anyway, the Republic of Moldovan Armed Forces are ready to defend the national territory.

"As it was stated by our partners that we’ll be supported in case of the worst scenario with all necessary means. But this does not mean that we should wait. We are training, we are implementing our modernization and transformation plans, and trying to get ready to deal with any type of scenarios," Nosatîi said.

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