Trains got stuck in Baku Metro-UPDATED

Trains got stuck in Baku Metro-UPDATED A problem occurred in the movement of trains in the Baku Metro, Report informs.
July 30, 2021 05:52
Trains got stuck in Baku Metro-UPDATED

"The movement of trains is restored under the schedule on all metro lines of Baku Metro," a spokesman for Baku metro Bakhtiyar Mammadov told Report.


A problem occurred in the movement of trains in the Baku Metro, Report informs.

The trains were got stuck in the tunnels between Hazi Aslanov and Darnagul lines - between May 28 and Nizami stations.

The reason is the loss of tension on that line. As a result, the movement of trains between Jafar Jabbarli and Shah Ismail Khatai stations became difficult, and one train became stuck in the tunnel.

Baku Metro spokesman Bakhtiyar Mammadov said an investigation was underway on the incident.

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