IRU: Middle Corridor member countries should expand their infrastructure

IRU: Middle Corridor member countries should expand their infrastructure At present, member countries should expand their infrastructure in order to maintain the cargo flow in the Middle Corridor (Trans-Caspian International Transport Route), President of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) Radu Dinescu told Report.
October 31, 2023 15:53
IRU: Middle Corridor member countries should expand their infrastructure

At present, member countries should expand their infrastructure in order to maintain cargo flow in the Middle Corridor (Trans-Caspian International Transport Route - TITR), the President of the International Road Transport Union (IRU), Radu Dinescu, told Report.

“At the moment, we are observing an increase in interest in the Middle Corridor and the flow of cargo through the corridor. However, the main issue depends on the cargo flow management of the member countries of the corridor, the smooth passage of the cargo at the border crossing points, the short-term transshipment of the cargo entering the ports, and the responsiveness of the railway infrastructure to the cargo flow. Companies will use the Middle Corridor if goods can be transported faster and safer,” he said.

Dinescu said that Azerbaijan is expanding its transport infrastructure, but the increase in the potential of the Middle Corridor does not depend only on Azerbaijan: “The countries that are members of the corridor should take appropriate steps. They can benefit from Azerbaijan's experience in this matter. In general, if the electronic TIR and ECMR systems are applied in the Middle Corridor, the waiting time at the borders can be reduced and more cargo can be transported.

The President of IRU recalled that he was in the Port of Baku within the framework of the 42nd meeting of the General Assembly of the BSEC-URTA held in Baku: “We got acquainted with the infrastructure there. Azerbaijan has hired a person who worked at the port of Singapore. This is an important work in terms of studying foreign experience. The transport infrastructure of Azerbaijan is perfect. But this is not enough. Because currently, cargo is increasing. If the shipping time between Asia and Europe decreases, then more cargo will arrive. Azerbaijan should take additional measures to further facilitate trade and transport.”

According to him, these measures may be related to border crossing, entering the port on time, or leaving the port on time: “The main problem drivers are currently facing is that they wait at the border. 40% of the travel time is spent at the border. This is not good for trade and the economy in general. We, as IRU, are trying to help the government reduce the time of cargo transportation through electronic TIR, ECMR systems. Governments should be open to public-private partnerships. This will allow faster and safer transportation of cargo. The reason why drivers have to wait so long at the border is related to just one country. The main issue is cooperation between countries. For example, Azerbaijan has built a port with modern infrastructure, but if there is a wait at the borders on the other side of the Caspian Sea, and late loading at the ports, Azerbaijan will not get as much profit from its investments. Therefore, all transport links should take the same initiative.”

The Middle Corridor was established in February 2014 with the participation of the relevant structures of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Georgia. Later, Ukraine, Romania, and Poland joined the project. Currently, the Corridor stretches from the China-Kazakhstan border to Europe, passing through Kazakhstan, the Caspian Sea, Azerbaijan and Georgia. A commonly agreed tariff has been elaborated along the entire route. The "Single window" principle is applied.

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