Legal status of Azercosmos determined

Legal status of Azercosmos determined The Cabinet of Ministers has amended its decision dated July 12, 2018, "On approving the list of subordinate institutions that are not included in the structure of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport" and canceling some of its decisions. 
November 1, 2022 13:23
Legal status of Azercosmos determined

The Prime Minister of Azerbaijan, Ali Asadov, signed a decision on an amendment to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approving the list of subordinate institutions that are not included in the structure of the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport" and canceling some of its decisions dated July 12, 2018.

Report informs that Prime Minister Ali Asadov signed a decision in this regard.

According to the decision, the Space Agency (Azercosmos) was added to the list of subordinate institutions that are not included in the structure of the ministry.

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