Azerbaijan conducts 120,479 tests for coronavirus so far - OFFICIAL

Azerbaijan conducts 120,479 tests for coronavirus so far - OFFICIAL Operative Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers has unveiled the number of tests, that Azerbaijan has so far conducted for coronavirus.
April 25, 2020 16:39
Azerbaijan conducts 120,479 tests for coronavirus so far - OFFICIAL

Operative Headquarters under the Cabinet of Ministers has unveiled the number of tests, that Azerbaijan has so far conducted for coronavirus.

During the past period, 120,479 tests were conducted to identify new cases of infection.

Measures taken by the Azerbaijani government to fight the news type of coronavirus are praiseworthy. The authorities declared the special quarantine regime in the country at the right time. Thanks to preventive measures, the country saw a considerably fewer number of infections and fatal cases.

Azerbaijan also supported other countries affected by COVID-19 during the period of the pandemic. In March, Azerbaijan’s government announced that it was donating $5 million each to Iran and the World Health Organization to help fight the coronavirus outbreak.

Now, the government itself is asking for donations from citizens, organizations, and businesses to help it deal with the disease in Azerbaijan.

President Ilham Aliyev announced the creation of the fund on March 19, and its first contributions were from the government (20 million manats, or about $12 million) and his yearly salary. Soon to follow with pledges were Aliyev’s wife and first vice president, Mehriban Aliyeva, and a host of organizations and businesses.

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