Exposure of corruption - Severe penalties await those who hinder reforms - COMMENT

Azerbaijan has overcome numerous challenges over the past 29 years since regaining its independence. As the problems resolved, the Azerbaijani society becomes more robust, the state independence strengthened, and the trust between the government and the community increases.

If we look back over the years, we will see it very clearly. Today is a challenging time. We can list the main issues of our time as follows:

- work to liberate our lands from occupation;

- the declining global economy and Azerbaijan's survival with fewer losses;

- new economic opportunities;

- focus on the non-oil sector;

- social reforms (improvement of living conditions of refugees, assistance to low-income families, increase of pensions);

- changes in government agencies;

- personnel reforms;

- fight against corruption;

- combating coronavirus and elimination of the consequences and so on.

Of course, the list can include other issues, such as the further strengthening of the state, the development of democracy, army building, science, education, the diaspora, and others.

The implementation of such issues of national significance can be possible only with the help of personnel loyal to the state.

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev touched upon related matters when he received Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov on October 23, 2019, in connection with his appointment to the new post.

"Personnel reforms are necessary, and they are inevitable. As I said earlier, in the 21st century, we will not be able to achieve success with old thinking. Of course, new, competent, knowledgeable, and new personnel should, first of all, be attached to their homeland, be free of any external influence, be patriots and make an effort for the development of the country," said President Aliyev.

So, human resources are the main pillars of the state. Their irresponsible approach to their duties, abuse of power, and corruption can be considered treason. These acts instill a sense of distrust of the state, society, and the government, setting an undesirable example for future generations. An official of a country, a part of whose territory is under occupation, must be more responsible.

President Ilham Aliyev spoke of the misdeeds of the government officials when he received the newly appointed Prosecutor General of Azerbaijan Kamran Aliyev in a video format on May 1.

"Another important task is the fight against corruption and bribery. I believe that prosecution bodies should work harder in this direction. Azerbaijan is waging a severe fight against these negative phenomena. I have repeatedly spoken out on this issue. I have warned all government officials and even said that if a government official is unable or unwilling to make changes to his work, then he should leave civil service of his own accord," he stressed.

The chiefs of executive bodies are the representatives of the government, the President, and the supreme administrative authority. They are the defenders of the state interests. Public service is a sacred task for those who hold these positions. The law prohibits local chief executives from doing business activities. Why? The aim is to prevent the embezzlement of the state and public property through abuse of power. When committing corruption and bribery offenses, they betray the state interests. Therefore, those who disregard the President's warnings and continue their criminal acts become a source of danger for the state, hinder reforms and cause distrust of the society in this crucial process.

"Unfortunately, my speech did not serve as a lesson for some, and as a result, the State Security Service has carried out several operations and exposed bribe-takers – high-ranking officials who have already been prosecuted. Heads of the executive authority of Aghstafa, Bilasuvar, Yevlakh, Neftchala districts arrested. The public has been provided with detailed information on this issue," the President emphasized during that meeting.

According to the President, such adverse facts exist in other districts as well.

"Unfortunately, Information about this is available, so I want to repeat that no-one will be able to avoid responsibility," he added.

The President always emphasizes the rule of law when referring to the reform process.

"No-one can be above the law, and if someone thinks that their close ones, acquaintances, relatives, and high-ranking friends will help him out, then they are mistaken. Everyone is equal before the law. There must not be corruption and bribery in Azerbaijani society. In any case, we should try to narrow the scope for corruption and bribery by both administrative and institutional methods. At the same time, penalties are and will continue to be applied."

Those heads of executive authorities violated the law by committing criminal acts and served to their little interests, not the rule of law.

On February 3 at a conference dedicated to the results of the first-year implementation of "The State Program on socio-economic development of the regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2019-2023", President Ilham Aliyev spoke of the social programs:

"Major initiatives were put forward in the social sphere last year. These programs were prepared in the second half of 2018 and began to be executed at the beginning of 2019. Large funds provided for families of martyrs. In general, the social and material situation of 4.2 million people was improved because the huge social package reached out to 4.2 million people. The minimum wage has double, and the minimum pension has grown by more than 70 percent. Currently, Azerbaijan ranks first in the CIS in terms of the purchasing power of the minimum pension. Some benefits were increased by 50 percent, and some doubled, scholarships raised, one-off financial assistance provided to the families of martyrs. Besides, monthly benefits for families of martyrs and internally displaced persons increased. So all these are issues requiring major funds and cost several billion manats. But we are doing that. Our policy is, first of all, centered on the citizens of Azerbaijan. And secondly, we have opportunities to do this."

The President wants to improve the living conditions of citizens, which also serves to strengthen the foundation of the state. However, there are still those who do not realize the importance of this work and disgrace the position of a civil servant.

"It is necessary to broadly analyze the work in the four districts where the heads of executive authority have been arrested. I was informed that the arrested head of the Bilasuvar District Executive Authority took away land plots from several people. These people openly turned to me, and direct instructions were issued to study this issue. If this is confirmed, these lands must be returned to the people. Therefore, prosecution bodies should be active in these matters. During these difficult times, to steal products and appropriate the wages intended for workers is both a crime and a huge disgrace," the President emphasized.

"We allocate these funds so that jobless persons could be provided with work at least at the level of the minimum wage. These are community jobs. We provide work for these people. Whereas at the initial stage about 30,000 jobs were created, I have now instructed to bring the number to 90,000. At the initial stage, the distribution of these funds was carried out by the heads of executive authority. The lack of control and corruption existing in this area essentially deprived many people of the assistance provided by the state. That is dishonesty – there is no other word for that. We have already tightened control. The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population was also instructed to tighten control over this issue. Despite this, the cards belonging to these poor people are still being found in the offices and pockets of the arrested heads and representatives of executive authority. Therefore, a tough fight must be waged against these and other phenomena," Mr.Aliyev noted.

The operations unveiled the identity of the officials and the heads of executive authorities, who undermine the reforms implemented by the President, the fight against the pandemic, and who impede reimbursement of a particular part of the damage inflicted on the citizens, especially low-income families. These acts of them are tantamount to desertion during a war. That is a betrayal of the head of state, and disrespect to their society.

The head of the Bilasuvar District Executive Authority became the next one who failed to draw a lesson from the measures taken against the chiefs of Aghstafa, Yevlakh, and Neftchala district executive authorities, who were arrested on charges of corruption, bribery, and looting of state property.

Despite the economic and social conditions emerging beyond Azerbaijan's control, the country is continuing reforms. Therefore, it can be said that the next phase of socio-political, economic, legal, and personnel reforms is underway.

Upon the approval of Milli Majlis, President Ilham Aliyev appointed a new Prosecutor General of the Azerbaijani Republic. The nomination of the head of the Anti-Corruption Department Kamran Aliyev to this post is the manifestation of the strict fight against corruption. The newly appointed Prosecutor General mentioned in his speech that the political and legal, as well as personnel reforms, have led the country to a new stage of development.

"Through reforms, we are strengthening our country and paving the way for its further sustainable development. Progress is impossible without reforms. Therefore, as in other areas, there is a great need for reforms in law-enforcement agencies," President Aliyev stressed.

"Unfortunately, we have not fully achieved what we wanted yet, including the fact that some decisions made by law enforcement agencies run counter to the law, violate social justice, cause legitimate discontent among people and eventually cause great harm to our common cause. One of the reasons for this may be a lack of professionalism, but sometimes there are certain interests, a vested interest. All employees and heads of law enforcement agencies can hear me today. My words should serve as the main instruction for them so that reforms in the law enforcement system in Azerbaijan are deepened, and the rule of law is ensured," he highlighted.

Prosecutor General Kamran Aliyev commented on the issues highlighted by the President in connection with the reforms: "Personnel reforms are indeed a significant issue, and we will continue our activities in this area. If the need arises, then, of course, the work of the Prosecutor's Office and its structural subdivisions will be analyzed. I believe that we should take progressive steps in this matter."

In the last six months, four chief executives and many officials arrested. Such operations conducted by the State Security Service once again confirm that the acts of heads of the executive branch pose a threat to the security of Azerbaijan.

The joint activity of the prosecuting and security service agencies in this direction boost confidence in the successful continuation of reforms in the country and their effectiveness, which serves to build a robust, socially just, and prosperous Azerbaijan. The extension of the changes aims at achieving this goal.

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