Baku. 13 November. REPORT.AZ/ Report's interview with director of public legal entity 'E-Government Development Center' Fariz Jafarov.
- What is the main purpose of creating the E-Government Development Center within the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan?
- The center serves to implementation of the country's policy in electronic government. The building of the center will not serve the citizens directly. The citizens will be served through portal. The center will operate in the nonstop mode and the citizens will enjoy services 7/24.
- What will the center consist of, what works will be done there?
- The building consists of five floors with a basement. An ecosystem has been created in the building to bring together both idea owners and developers of the idea, investors, government agencies, business and scientific community. Based on this concept, the building consists of four main parts. The building's common name is the E-Government Development Center. The first floor is called Innoland Incubation and Acceleration Center. Innoland (Innovation Space) is an incubation, acceleration and research center of startups, and is also a 'Coworking'. Incubation is that people come to the center and present their ideas to the jury. Jurors will follow the idea and decide if the holders of successful ideas will sit down in this building and use the infrastructure as the office. Within two to three months, the plan for the head of the chosen idea is drawn, and the result is presented to the jury. In that period, he incubates his idea, that is, cultivates it. If a positive decision is taken at the end of the given period, the process of acceleration starts. It implies speeding up the idea, that is the idea is already a functional model. This process takes some time.
In the basement floor, the initial production and prototypes of their ideas will be prepared. If the idea takes root, its access to the global environment will be ensured. Getting a certificate, applying for a patent, etc. ... All rings of the chain are reflected in this building.
The IT Training Center will also operate in the building. This is the third main part. This is where young people are taught programming and information technology, along with coding skills. Training sessions on business, accounting skills, artificial intelligence, robotics and programming languages that support them are envisaged. This is for both individuals and at the same time for government employees.
The fourth part is the Electronic Government. More than half of the second floor, the third and the fourth floors will belong to e-government employees.
- What will be the job resposibilities of the e-government employees?
Integration of information systems of all state agencies in Azerbaijan and electronic projects will be implemented in e-government. This organization will implement the integration of electronic services, for example, "ASAN VISA", "ASAN payment", "ASAN wifi", "Electronic license", "Electronic agriculture" and other future electronic services.
- Has the staff of the center been formed?
- E-Government Development Center' legal entity has been operating at the administrative building of the State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan since March. We have more than 200 employees. In the future, we will announce our vacancies on the website ( of the E-Government Development Center. The website will soon be available for your service. This is the website of the center, the website of the e-government portal is There is also a Facebook page of the portal. Every day Facebook page shares information and video guides on the use of e-government.
- When will the building start operating?
- In fact, the building is in operation. Events will be held in the building in a few days.
- What will change in the life of the citizens when the center starts functioning?
- If information in any state structure is not electronized, it will be electronized. Integration between state agencies will be fully ensured, which will allow citizens not to submit documents to the institutions, but log in only with a FIN number. The information submitted to a public authority will not be required by another government agency.
Then each citizen will have a "personal account" in the e-government. The citizen will enter the e-signature and will see his/her information there. It is called a "proactive government", meaning that the government sends the citizen the information about him even without citizen's request. For example, if the vehicle is fined, the fine will automatically be entered into the penalty section in the "Personal account". The citizen will be able to see his/her degree in the "Education" section, his/her salary in the "Reference" section and the electronic version of the workbook. Citizens will be able to change their information here. "Personal account" will be the electronic version of "ASAN service".