Ukrainian servicemen congratulate Azerbaijani Army

Ukrainian servicemen congratulate Azerbaijani Army By ending the occupation that lasted for more than 30 years, Azerbaijan was the first to eradicate separatism in the former Soviet space. With this, the country drew the attention of the world. The successful operations of the Azerbaijani Army against the
October 27, 2023 15:33
Ukrainian servicemen congratulate Azerbaijani Army

By ending the occupation that lasted for more than 30 years, Azerbaijan was the first to eradicate separatism in the former Soviet space. With this, the country drew the attention of the world. The successful operations of the Azerbaijani Army against the invaders and separatists in the sovereign territory of the country are also the subject of discussion by foreign experts and the military.

The Ukrainian soldiers fighting on the front lines of the Ukrainian war, which is currently at the center of the world's attention, sent their congratulations to Azerbaijan through an employee of the Report's Eastern Europe office in Donbas. Roman Solohub, one of the combat commanders of the Ukrainian army in the direction of Donbas, said that he watched the operations of the Azerbaijani army through the media and believes that its victory is based on an exemplary plan:

“The Azerbaijani Army carried out a well-planned military operation and liberated the territories which were under occupation for a long time. As a result, historical justice has been restored. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, like the Azerbaijani Army, must carry out military operations and liberate the territories occupied by the enemy. I congratulate the Azerbaijani Army, those who led this operation, the country's leadership, and the people of Azerbaijan. I am sure that after this, even 1 meter of the territory of Azerbaijan will never be occupied.”

Sergeant Yevheni Suloymi of the Ukrainian Army said that this victory once again showed that the people of Azerbaijan are a strong nation: “Many Azerbaijanis living in our country are fighting with us. I admire their heroism. They are fighting for Ukraine, where they live. Among them are people I know well. While watching the operations of the Azerbaijani army, I saw that your people are very determined, like us. They are ready to immediately be mobilized together with the army and go through everything for the sake of the motherland. The Azerbaijani Army showed us the first example of how to decisively win over separatism. They proved how to properly fulfill the demands of the people.”

Alexander Fos, a soldier of the Ukrainian army, applauds all of Azerbaijan and its Armed Forces: “They won a unique victory. I know that their lands were under occupation for a long time, but eventually they were able to return to Karabakh. That's why I applaud them. I have great respect for your country. We follow your example to protect our country. I congratulate the Azerbaijani Army.”

An officer named Oleksii Kachan also said that Azerbaijan has restored sovereignty over the territories that were once occupied: “Azerbaijan conducted local anti-terrorist measures and liberated its territories in just 24 hours. You have performed this operation accurately. This is an example for us, Georgia and Moldova. In this way, it is possible to carry out an operation and solve the issue easily. I congratulate the people of Azerbaijan on the restoration of sovereignty over Karabakh, including the city of Khankandi.”

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