UK intelligence: Ukraine has retaken several villages along eastern axis

UK intelligence: Ukraine has retaken several villages along eastern axis Ukrainian forces continue to advance against withdrawing Russian forces in the vicinity of Kyiv.
April 2, 2022 09:41
UK intelligence: Ukraine has retaken several villages along eastern axis

"Ukrainian forces continue to advance against withdrawing Russian forces in the vicinity of Kyiv. Along the northwestern axis, Ukrainian forces' attempts to advance from Irpin towards Bucha and Hostomel are ongoing," Report informs, citing the UK Ministry of Defence.

"Russian forces are reported to have withdrawn from Hostomel airport, which has been subject to fighting since the first day of the conflict. Along the eastern axis, Ukraine has retaken several villages.

"In the east of Ukraine, Ukrainian forces have secured a key route in eastern Kharkiv after heavy fighting. This follows the liberation of Trostyanets, in the vicinity of Sumy, earlier this week," the ministry tweeted.

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