Kazakh expert says necessary to launch criminal case against Keosayan

Kazakh expert says necessary to launch criminal case against Keosayan A criminal case should be opened against a Russian TV presenter of Armenian origin Tigran Keosayan for his views on the people of Kazakhstan in a video message, Kazakh political scientist Dosym Satpayev said on Instagram, Report informs.
April 28, 2022 16:45
Kazakh expert says necessary to launch criminal case against Keosayan

A criminal case should be launched against a Russian TV presenter of Armenian origin Tigran Keosayan for his views on the people of Kazakhstan voiced in a video message, Kazakh political scientist Dosym Satpayev said on Instagram, Report informs.

"Just as Azerbaijan recently opened a criminal case against Russian MP Mikhail Delyagin, a criminal case should be launched against him," he said.

He noted that the broadcasting of Russian propaganda channels in Kazakhstan has led to considerable gaps in the country's security and increased social divisions.

The political scientist also said that Kazakhstan's policy is different from Russia's.

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