First South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School opens in Georgia

First South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School opens in Georgia The first South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School (SCYPSS) was officially opened in Georgia’s Kachreti
August 22, 2023 13:08
First South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School opens in Georgia

The first South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School (SCYPSS) was officially opened in Georgia’s Kachreti, Report informs referring to

Thirty participants aged between 20 and 29, ten each from Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, are attending the event which will last ten days.

During the opening session participants and guests marked a minute of silence to remember the many young people who died in conflicts in the South Caucasus in the last three and half decades. They also stressed the importance of working for peace in the region so that future generations will not have to make the same sacrifice.

A faculty of experienced international and local academics, practitioners and experts will help deliver the content of the school which will consist of dozens of elements including workshops, lectures, debates, cine-forums and numerous social events.

SCYPSS is an initiative of LINKS Europe and is organized with the support of the European Union and the Government of Norway. The idea of a South Caucasus Youth Peace Summer School was included in the report "The South Caucasus from war to peace: thirty measures between now and 2030", prepared by the Joint Liaison Group of Armenian and Azerbaijani experts on confidence-building measures in support of lasting peace in the South Caucasus, published in April 2022.

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