EU envoy forced to leave Belarus

EU envoy forced to leave Belarus The Belarusian authorities didn’t extend the visa of EU Ambassador to the Republic Dirk Schuebel, which is why he had to leave his post after three years of service
October 11, 2022 12:43
EU envoy forced to leave Belarus

The Belarusian authorities didn’t extend the visa of EU Ambassador to the Republic Dirk Schuebel, which is why he had to leave his post after three years of service, Report informs.

“The Belarusian authorities have decided not to renew my visa and accreditation for another year, which makes it very difficult to fulfill my mandate,” the diplomat wrote.

He noted that he was ready to continue his work in Minsk for another year. Now the duties of a diplomat will be performed by the Charge d’Affaires of the EU in Belarus Evelina Schultz.

On October 10, the French Foreign Ministry threatened Belarus with new sanctions if Minsk continues to support Russia’s military actions on the territory of Ukraine. Prior to this, the representative of the EU Foreign Service Peter Stano said that due to the fact that the Russian Federation and Belarus agreed to deploy a joint regional group of troops, the EU intends to respond to these actions.

In addition, the G7 leaders will discuss on October 11 the possibility of new sanctions against Belarus if it is involved in the conflict in Ukraine.

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