British political scientist: Path to normalization between Ankara and Yerevan runs through Baku

British political scientist: Path to normalization between Ankara and Yerevan runs through Baku Armenia needs to soften its aggressive rhetoric and apologize for the crimes of the past, especially during the First Karabakh War, in order to achieve normalization of relations with both Azerbaijan and Türkiye, British political scientist and journalist
August 4, 2023 16:14
British political scientist: Path to normalization between Ankara and Yerevan runs through Baku

Armenia needs to soften its aggressive rhetoric and apologize for the crimes of the past, especially during the First Karabakh War, in order to achieve normalization of relations with both Azerbaijan and Türkiye, British political scientist and journalist Neil Watson told Report.

According to him, progress in the normalization of relations between Armenia and Azerbaijan and between Armenia and Türkiye is closely linked and influences each other.

"The resumption of diplomatic relations between Ankara and Yerevan may occur if a peace treaty is signed between Azerbaijan and Armenia. However, partial normalization of relations between Ankara and Yerevan can be achieved even if there is some progress in the Baku-Yerevan dynamics," Watson emphasized.

The political scientist also noted that the Armenian authorities need to realize that the normalization of relations with Azerbaijan and Türkiye is of key importance for the development of the country, as part of the region, and for its full independence.

"To achieve this, Armenia should demonstrate that it is getting out of the ‘protection’ of its largest allies - Russia and Iran, who actually pursue their own interests, neglecting the interests of Armenia," he said.

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