US Congress approves sale of 250 Abrams tanks to Poland

US Congress approves sale of 250 Abrams tanks to Poland The US Congress has agreed to sell 250 Abrams tanks to Poland
Other countries
March 5, 2022 12:56
US Congress approves sale of 250 Abrams tanks to Poland

The US Congress has agreed to sell 250 Abrams tanks to Poland, Polish Minister of National Defense Mariusz Blaszczak tweeted, Report informs referring to RIA Novosti.

“The Polish army is getting stronger! The US Congress agreed to the sale of 250 Abrams tanks to Poland,” Blaszczak wrote on Twitter.

He noted that the consent of the congress “is the last important step before signing the contract for the purchase” of tanks. “This is the most important contract for the purchase of weapons over the past many years,” he added.

The case is the purchase by Poland of 250 Abrams tanks in the latest version of the M1A2 SEPv3. The ministry informed that it intends to place them on the eastern border of the country.

On March 4, a group of US senators turned to President Joe Biden with a request to speed up the supply of $6 billion worth of Abrams tanks and other weapons to Poland.

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