UK Defense Ministry says Ukraine able to oust Russia from Donbas

UK Defense Ministry says Ukraine able to oust Russia from Donbas The UK is showing its leadership in supporting Ukraine in terms of weapons, finances, and sanctions, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday during a meeting with British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, Report informs, citing Interfax-Ukrain
Other countries
June 10, 2022 17:59
UK Defense Ministry says Ukraine able to oust Russia from Donbas

The UK is showing its leadership in supporting Ukraine in terms of weapons, finances, and sanctions, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Friday during a meeting with British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, Report informs, citing Interfax-Ukraine.

"We appreciate this very real, united work when words and communication constantly turn into action. I am grateful in general to the UK, the government, and the Prime Minister. We often communicate with Boris Johnson; I know there is the same warm contact at the ministerial level," he said.

According to UNIAN, Wallace said that Ukraine is able to oust Russia from Donbas.

He said the UK sees that the regime existing there is on the verge of collapse, at least in terms of military power.

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