Swedish FM urges to speed up analysis of NATO membership application

Swedish FM urges to speed up analysis of NATO membership application Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde wants an analysis into Sweden's national security situation to be finished earlier than originally planned, Report informs via Radio Sweden.
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April 21, 2022 16:48
Swedish FM urges to speed up analysis of NATO membership application

Swedish Foreign Minister Ann Linde wants an analysis into Sweden's national security situation to be finished earlier than originally planned, Report informs via Radio Sweden.

The report, which will be carried out by representatives of all the parties in Sweden's parliament and will look at possible NATO membership, was due to be completed by the end of May, but Linde now wants the deadline to be May 13 instead.

"She (Linde) tells Radio Sweden that the situation in Ukraine continues to deteriorate, Finland has already presented its analysis. Thus, Sweden is under pressure to hurry up," the message says.

The opposition conservative Moderates have also said they want to speed the process up.

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