Suspicious parcel found at Ukrainian consulate in Brno

Suspicious parcel found at Ukrainian consulate in Brno The Ukrainian consulate in Brno city of the Czech Republic has been evacuated due to the discovery of a suspicious parcel
Other countries
December 2, 2022 15:51
Suspicious parcel found at Ukrainian consulate in Brno

The Ukrainian consulate in Brno city of the Czech Republic has been evacuated due to the discovery of a suspicious parcel, Report informs referring to the Czech media.

The consulate building was cordoned off by the police, and a nearby kindergarten was evacuated.

The Czech police said the parcel corresponds to those intercepted earlier in Spain. Now it is checked by X-ray. After checking the parcel, the Czech police said that it did not contain an explosive device.

On November 30, an employee of the Ukrainian Embassy in Madrid was injured after opening an envelope with a bomb. The letter was sent to Ambassador of Ukraine to Spain Serhiy Pogoreltsev. The court will consider the case of the explosion as a terror attack.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said on December 2 that three embassies of the country have already received letters with threats and some kind of red liquid.

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