Parliaments of Azerbaijan and Iraq mull cooperation issues

Parliaments of Azerbaijan and Iraq mull cooperation issues The members of the working group of the Milli Mejlis on Azerbaijan-Iraq inter-parliamentary relations met with the members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Report informs.
Milli Majlis
October 27, 2023 16:22
Parliaments of Azerbaijan and Iraq mull cooperation issues

The members of the working group of the Milli Mejlis on Azerbaijan-Iraq inter-parliamentary relations met with the members of the Iraqi Council of Representatives, Report informs.

At the meeting, members of the working group of the Milli Majlis on inter-parliamentary relations with Iraq, Anar Iskandarov, Rashad Mahmudov, members of the Council of Representatives of the Republic of Iraq, Nuruldin Hossein Gublan, Lugman Ahmad Najm, Garib Asgar Nagi, shared their views on the prospects of developing inter-parliamentary relations.

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