Manufacturer of Armenian drone intercepted by Azerbaijani Army today established

Manufacturer of Armenian drone intercepted by Azerbaijani Army today established The manufacturer of the Armenian drone, intercepted with the use of special means by the units of the Azerbaijani army in the Kalbajar direction has been established
September 2, 2023 21:52
Manufacturer of Armenian drone intercepted by Azerbaijani Army today established

The manufacturer of the Armenian drone, intercepted with the use of special means by the units of the Azerbaijani army in the Kalbajar direction, has been established

According to Report, the device is the development of the American company Micro Aerial Projects, which mainly provides modern cartographic solutions.

The official page of the manufacturer states that the drones are intended exclusively for civilian, including scientific purposes. This means that the Armenian side purchases simple and cheap devices, and then equip them with military means using artisanal methods.

Such efforts of the opposite side cannot but become an object of ridicule. The use of unprofessional "weapons" against the Azerbaijani army that is equipped with the most advanced means of world military industry, should be viewed at least as a guarantee of failure.

The US company should also understand its responsibility since each manufacturer must monitor who its products are sold to, how they are used in the future, and bear responsibility for this.

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