Development of NATO-Azerbaijan relations discussed

Development of NATO-Azerbaijan relations discussed On November 22, a delegation led by the Deputy Chief of Staff at Partnership Directorate at NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruåsdal, visited the National Defense University.
November 22, 2022 17:40
Development of NATO-Azerbaijan relations discussed

On November 22, a delegation led by the Deputy Chief of Staff at Partnership Directorate at NATO's Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe, Rear Admiral Gunnstein Bruåsdal, visited the National Defense University.

Report informs referring to the Ministry of Defense that the delegation is on a visit to Azerbaijan as part of the NATO Days.

The rector of the National Defense University, Professor, Lieutenant General Heydar Piriyev, welcomed the guests and emphasized that the meetings organized within the framework of cooperation with NATO are effective for both sides. Azerbaijan’s interest in further expanding the current military cooperation with NATO was noted.

Expressing gratitude for the hospitality, Rear Admiral G. Bruåsdal stressed that the work carried out in various spheres of activity of the Azerbaijan Army has a positive impact on the field of military education. Highly appreciating the activities of the Azerbaijan Army servicemen within the framework of various NATO programmes, the guest highlighted the successful continuation of Azerbaijan-NATO relations.

Then a briefing on the activities, structures, and responsibilities of the National Defense University and other military educational institutions functioning under it was presented to the guests.

In turn, the NATO delegation delivered presentations to the listeners regarding NATO's history and structure, as well as Azerbaijan-NATO relations.

In the end, questions of mutual interest were answered.

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