Armenian military post destroyed as Azerbaijan's State Border Service retaliates for provocation

Armenian military post destroyed as Azerbaijan's State Border Service retaliates for provocation On February 13, the units of the State Border Service (SBS) carried out a "retaliation operation" in response to yesterday's provocation by the Armenian armed forces.
February 13, 2024 10:15
Armenian military post destroyed as Azerbaijan's State Border Service retaliates for provocation

On February 13, the units of the State Border Service (SBS) carried out a "retaliation operation" in response to yesterday's provocation by the Armenian armed forces.

Report informs with reference to the State Border Service that as a result of the operation, a combat post of the Armenian Armed Forces near the settlement of Nerkin-And in the Kafan district was completely destroyed. It is that very post from which the Armenian Armed Forces yesterday fired at the positions of the troops of the State Border Service of Azerbaijan, wounding an Azerbaijani service member.

"Serious and decisive measures will be taken from now on for every provocation of the Armenian side, aimed at exacerbating operational conditions on the Azerbaijani-Armenian conditional state border," the State Border Service said.

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