Protestors on Shusha-Khankandi road perform Yalli dance - VIDEO

Protestors on Shusha-Khankandi road perform Yalli dance - VIDEO The participants of the protest on the Shusha-Khankendi road, under the temporary control of Russian peacekeepers, performed the Azerbaijan national dance 'Yalli'. 
December 13, 2022 12:09
Protestors on Shusha-Khankandi road perform Yalli dance - VIDEO

The participants of the protest on the Shusha-Khankandi road, which is under the temporary control of Russian peacekeepers, performed the Azerbaijan national dance, Yalli.

Report informs that the action which started yesterday morning is still going on.

The protests on the Shusha-Khankandi road have been going on for a day.

The protest that started yesterday morning continued throughout the night.

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