Residents of the Aghdam Industrial Park under the Economic Zones Development Agency (EZDA) have started construction work, Report informs, citing EZDA.
Among the residents of the Industrial Park, Dadash-N LLC has started the construction of various types of synthetic carpets, and Veliev LLC has begun the construction of prefabricated reinforced concrete products. Other residents of the Industrial Park are carrying out design works and planning to start construction soon.
In addition, a non-residential status was granted to two companies in the Aghdam Industrial Park. One of them - Yüksel Beton JSC - has already built a concrete production facility in the Industrial Park, and wholesale and retail sales of the product have started. The company's concrete products are used in the construction and installation works carried out in the Aghdam district, in addition to the Industrial Park.
Another non-resident PMD Projects LLC will be engaged in concrete production and wholesale and retail sales in the Industrial Park area. The company has already started the design work.
Nine entrepreneurs were granted residency status in the Agdam Industrial Park. The residents are planning to invest over 50 million manats ($29.4 million) and create more than 1000 permanent jobs by those residents.