Baku among cities with most unusual architecture

Baku among cities with most unusual architecture The RBC-Real estate named seven cities in the world with the most unusual architecture.
April 15, 2020 11:59

The RBC-Real estate named seven cities in the world with the most unusual architecture.

Report says, the authors of the article are sure that no matter what exciting "features" the city has, its face remains architecture. RBC-real Estate has chosen the best destinations where you can enjoy the most impressive works of architects.

And, of course, Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, is also among the seven cities with the most unusual architecture, which multi-ethnic and multicultural appearance did not slip past the notice of the authors. After all, Baku is a fusion of the most different shades of East and West.

"It is not surprising that this city does not form a single architectural concept. The city has incorporated many different styles, including Baroque, Gothic, constructivism, classical and modern combined with elements of national architecture. All tourists are advised to take a walk through the medieval streets of the Old City and admire the famous Maiden Tower. Moreover, some buildings of the VII—VI centuries BC have survived in this city. Special attention deserves the Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center designed by Zaha Hadid. And the ultramodern architectural complex "Flame towers," which is visible from almost any point of the city and where you can stay for the night, "reads the article about Baku in RBC real Estate.

Notably, the list of cities in the world with the most unusual architecture also includes Barcelona, Istanbul, Rome, Shanghai, Marrakech, and Oxford.

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