Baku. 22 December. REPORT.AZ/ In January-November of present year scope of produced goods and services made 29,8 billion manats, this number less by 3,2% in comparison with the same period of previous year. Report informs referring the information given by the Azerbaijan State Statistics Committee.
During eleven months of 2014 production of GDP increased by 2.2% compared corresponding period of last year and reached to 53.7 milliard manats. 42.6% of value added produced in fields of industry, 12.6% in construction complex, 5.1% in agriculture, 4.9% in transport and 10.0% in trade and in fields of paid services, 1.8% in information and communication and 15.8% in other fields.
Value added in amount of 5710.7 manats (7281.3US dollars) was produced per capita.
Production of GDP increased by 6.5% in non-oil sector and it was decreased by 3.4% in oil sector.
Production output in the field of industry decreased by 1.5% compared to January-November of last year and reached to 29.8 billion manats, its 70.4% or 21.0 billion manat was produced in the mining sector, 23.4% or 7.0 milliard manats in the processing sector, 5.5% or 1.6 billion manats in the production, distribution and supply of electricity, gas and steam and 0.7% or 211.3 million manat in the water supply, waste management and remediation activities.
During January-November from the products of mining sector 38.4 million tons crude oil, 17.0 milliard cubic metre marketable gas was extracted.
Output of food products from the products of processing sector increased by 0.9%, production of beverage 9.1%, production of clothing 65.0%, production of textile industry products 6.7%, production of chemical industry products28.3%, production of construction materials 19.8%, production of ready metal products 10.4%, production of electrical equipment 21.8%, production of automobile and trailers 48.7%, production of other transport means 3.3 times, production of jewellery, music, sport and medical equipment 90.0%, installation and maintenance of machine and equipment 47.4%.