Azad Rahimov: Now let "black market" operate and those who dislike Topaz be happy

Azad Rahimov: Now let "black market" operate and those who dislike Topaz be happy Youth and Sports Minister с issue raised in Parliament as a citizen and civil servant
Individual sports
February 4, 2015 07:59
Azad Rahimov: Now let black market operate and those who dislike Topaz be happy

Baku. 4 February. REPORT.AZ/ Azerbaijani Youth and Sports Minister Azad Rahimov issued a statement on the proposal about the importance of discontinue the activities of Topaz sports betting operator sounded in Milli Mejlis. The minister said to Report that he will support it if such a decision will be made by members of parliament.

He stated that he will not object to the close of Topaz as a citizen: "What will my opinion be if Milli Mejlis makes a decision on closing of Topaz? Of course, I will support. Because, our parliamentarians, members of Milli Mejlis were elected by all the people. It is the decision of the people that they are going to make. Definitely, as a citizen and a person, I cannot have any objection to this decision."

As a civil servant, A.Rahimov's reaction was as follow: "In comparison with Black market", Topaz gives very high taxes, it is a fully transparent company, 4.2% of turnover is spent on sport - it is completely transparent and one can see what the money is spent on by looking at the company's website. The fund is completely spent on the development of sport. If Topaz is closed, let "black market" stay without taxes. There are a lot of people who commit suicide or hang and so on. People do not know it, are able to interpret as they like. Let "black market" operate and people who dislike Topaz, the games of chance, be happy."

The minister answered the question of "Maybe those who raised this issue, meant the" black market" not Topaz?" as following: "I cannot say it. I do not have any relation with "black market ". We are trying that all is normally carried out on the basis of the principles adopted in the world. Non-existence of "black market" is our only victory. Let business issues be completely regulated, taxes be paid. On the other hand, the funds for sport are a great support for us. "

MP Gudrat Hasanguliyev proposed to close Topaz at the meeting of the Milli Mejlis on February 2.

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