Samaddin Asadov: Number of Azerbaijan's space satellites to be increased

Samaddin Asadov: Number of Azerbaijan's space satellites to be increased Since the space sector is quite conservative and risky, Azerbaijan has alternative points for managing satellites, Samaddin Asadov, chairman of the Board of the Space Agency (Azercosmos) under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport said during
May 11, 2023 12:12
Samaddin Asadov: Number of Azerbaijan's space satellites to be increased

Since the space sector is quite conservative and risky, Azerbaijan has alternative points for managing satellites, Samaddin Asadov, chairman of the Board of the Space Agency (Azercosmos) under the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport said during the discussion of the bill "On Space Activities" at a meeting of the Milli Majlis (parliament) Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising, Report informs.

"So, if any unforeseen situations arise in Baku, it will be possible to control our satellites from Nakhchivan. There are currently three Azerbaijani satellites in orbit. The Azersky remote Earth observation satellite completed its mission last month. In the near future, the number of space satellites of Azerbaijan will be increased," Asadov said.

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