Baku. 14 April. REPORT.AZ/ Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs Kurt Tong is visiting Azerbaijan April 14 – 15, 2016, Report was told in the Embassy of the United States of America to Azerbaijan.
As the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, Mr. Tong supports the State Department’s global economic diplomacy efforts, engaging with partners around the world on trade, finance, telecommunications, transportation, economic sanctions, commercial opportunities, and a host of other issues. Mr. Tong has served in this position since July of 2014.
Mr. Tong will meet with Azerbaijani government officials, both Azerbaijani and American businesses in Baku, and Azerbaijani university students to hear firsthand about Azerbaijan’s economic situation, reforms, and diversification efforts. He looks forward to discussing how the United States government is assisting Azerbaijan’s economic growth, and how that assistance can be improved. This will be Mr. Tong’s first trip to Azerbaijan.