"For non-bloc countries like Azerbaijan, OSCE is the only multilateral engagement format, where we can promote and defend our interests from leverages of unilateral domination. We feel a considerable discomfort with an increased competition of opposing political-military blocks since this deepens dividing lines and further diminishes the role of OSCE in European security architecture. The OSCE must be used to build a network of trustful and secure relations both between enlarging political/military blocks and non-block OSCE participating States"- the Minister stated.
Accordingg to him, the current OSCE agenda is over dominated by an intentional increasing focus on the issues of human rights and fundamental freedoms. "With full support to the issues of democracy building, regretfully, sometimes we see a lack of comprehensive and integral approach, double standards, breaches of mandates by some OSCE institutions and attempts to jeopardize stability and development of OSCE participating States under the pretext of human rights concerns. We urge relevant OSCE institutions to undertake serious efforts to restore the trust and to implement their respective mandates without double standards, geographical and other preferences".