Election Observation Coalition: OSCE is known for biased stance against Azerbaijan

Election Observation Coalition: OSCE is known for biased stance against Azerbaijan OSCE is known for its biased stance against Azerbaijan, reads the statement of the "For Civil Society" Election Observation Coalition on the observation of the snap parliamentary elections, Report informs.
Foreign policy
September 2, 2024 18:02
Election Observation Coalition: OSCE is known for biased stance against Azerbaijan

OSCE is known for its biased stance against Azerbaijan, reads the statement of the "For Civil Society" Election Observation Coalition on the observation of the snap parliamentary elections, Report informs.

According to the document, the elections to the Milli Majlis were conducted on September 1 in a free, fair, democratic and transparent manner:

"Equal conditions were created for political parties and candidates joining the election marathon," the coalition emphasized.

However, the coalition also pointed out a concerning issue: "The release of an alleged election report by OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on the voting day, before voting was completed, on internet resources has further damaged the Azerbaijani public's trust in this institution."

"The OSCE has a history of bias against Azerbaijan. Despite the end of the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan and the full restoration of Azerbaijan's territorial integrity and sovereignty, the OSCE's failure to officially abolish the now-irrelevant Minsk Group has reduced public confidence in the organization and its ODIHR to zero in Azerbaijan. This is compounded by the ODIHR's inaction regarding the violated human rights of Azerbaijani IDPs and refugees over the past period," reads the statement.

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