Azerbaijani, Bahraini, and Israeli ambassadors host joint Ramadan event in Washington

Azerbaijani, Bahraini, and Israeli ambassadors host joint Ramadan event in Washington The Ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Israel hosted a joint Iftar celebration on Wednesday in Washington, DC, Report informs via Israel National News.
Foreign policy
March 30, 2023 18:37
Azerbaijani, Bahraini, and Israeli ambassadors host joint Ramadan event in Washington

The Ambassadors of Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Israel hosted a joint Iftar celebration on Wednesday in Washington, DC, Report informs via Israel National News.

Among those present at the event were officials from the US administration, US lawmakers, diplomats, members of the media, and civil society leaders. Iftar is the nightly meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during the month of Ramadan to break their fast.

Each Ambassador offered remarks marking the occasion and emphasizing the deepening ties fostered by the three countries.

Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to the United States, Khazar Ibrahim, said: “Ramadan is a celebration of the human spirit as we advance our deeply rooted interfaith bonds. We cherish inclusivity in our diversity. May Allah bring peace, prosperity, and lasting friendship.”

Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, Michael Herzog, said: “This year’s Iftar celebration highlighted the deepening cooperation among the three countries, which includes burgeoning regional and interfaith initiatives. The bright future that lies ahead for Azerbaijan, Bahrain, and Israel rests on cross-regional cooperation that addresses both our shared challenges and opportunities.”

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