32nd anniversary of Khojaly genocide marked in Cuba

32nd anniversary of Khojaly genocide marked in Cuba A commemorative event was held at the Azerbaijani Embassy in Cuba on February 26 in connection with the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide.
Foreign policy
February 27, 2024 09:19
32nd anniversary of Khojaly genocide marked in Cuba

A commemorative event was held at the Azerbaijani Embassy in Cuba on February 26 in connection with the 32nd anniversary of the Khojaly genocide.

Report informs citing the diplomatic mission that the participants first observed a moment's silence in memory of the victims of this bloody crime.

Then Ambassador Ruslan Rzayev said that in the first years of its independence at the end of the 20th century, Azerbaijan experienced great tragedies, Armenia carried out a policy of ethnic cleansing against the Azerbaijani people, and on the night of February 26, 1992, Armenian military formations committed an unprecedented massacre in Khojaly.

He emphasized that massacres, genocide and the policy of ethnic cleansing carried out against peaceful Azerbaijanis who historically lived on these lands violated the fundamental rights of not only the residents of Khojaly, but also the entire Karabakh.

Noting that during the Khojaly genocide, the Armenian military killed 613 innocent civilians overnight, including children, women and elderly people, Rzayev called this event one of the bloodiest crimes in the history of mankind. The diplomat stated that the Khojaly genocide and other crimes committed by Armenia during the military aggression against Azerbaijan, including war crimes and crimes against humanity, are a flagrant violation of human rights and international humanitarian law.

Rzayev recalled that within the framework of the "Justice for Khojaly!" campaign, initiated by Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva, the realities of the Khojaly genocide are brought to the attention of the world community.

The ambassador recalled that as a result of the 44-day Patriotic War and local anti-terrorism measures, Azerbaijan fully restored its territorial integrity and sovereignty over its territories, and put an end to almost 30 years of Armenian occupation. Ruslan Rzayev added that restoration and construction work is underway in the territories liberated from occupation, and residents of Khojaly, as well as other areas liberated from Armenian occupation, will soon be able to return to their homes.

Then spoke Cuban professor Rafael Tenreyro, who was educated in Azerbaijan. The scientist expressed condolences to the people of Azerbaijan, and noted that the merciless massacre committed against the civilian population in Khojaly deeply shocked the Cubans who studied in Azerbaijan. He shared his views about Khojaly with the event participants, emphasizing that today Azerbaijan has restored historical justice, liberated its lands from occupation and is carrying out practical work to revive Karabakh.

The event continued with a video about the Khojaly massacre prepared by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

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