Throughput of South Caucasus Pipeline grows by 22%

Throughput of South Caucasus Pipeline grows by 22% In January-June 2022, 19.898 billion cubic meters of gas were transported through the main gas pipelines of Azerbaijan, showing a 16.6% rise compared to the corresponding period of the last year, Report informs with reference to the State Statistical Comm
July 18, 2022 09:40
Throughput of South Caucasus Pipeline grows by 22%

In January-June 2022, the main gas pipelines of Azerbaijan transported 19.898 billion cubic meters of gas, showing a 16.6% increase compared to the corresponding period of the last year, Report informs with reference to the State Statistical Committee.

During the reporting period, 51.4% of gas transportation was carried out through the South Caucasus pipeline.

10,235.6 million cubic meters of gas were transferred through this pipeline, which is 22.3% more than the indicators for January-June 2021.

The SCP has been operational since late 2006, transporting Shah Deniz gas to Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkiye. The expanded section of the pipeline commenced commercial deliveries to Turkiye in June 2018 and Europe in December 2020.

The gas produced from the Shahdeniz gas-condensate field located in the Azerbaijani sector of the Caspian Sea is delivered to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkiye through the South Caucasus pipeline. From the summer of 2018, the gas produced through the second stage of the Shahdeniz field has been transferred to Turkiye - the TANAP pipeline through the expanded South Caucasus Pipeline.

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