Rent for construction and operation of land for alternative energy canceled

Rent for construction and operation of land for alternative energy canceled The Cabinet of Ministers amended its decision dated December 23, 2000, "On the determination of the lower limit of the rent of the lands owned by the state and municipalities". 
December 9, 2022 13:04
Rent for construction and operation of land for alternative energy canceled

The Cabinet of Ministers amended its decision dated December 23, 2000, "On the determination of the lower limit of the rent for the lands owned by the state and municipalities".

Report informs that Prime Minister Ali Asadov signed a new decision in this regard.

According to the decision, the investment in energy sources (wind and solar) will be calculated by applying the lower 0 coefficient of the rent of state and municipal owned lands leased to investors in connection with the construction and operation of power plants with a capacity of 100 MW and more.

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