Germany unveils €20 billion hydrogen infrastructure plan

Germany unveils €20 billion hydrogen infrastructure plan German gas transmission operators have submitted an application to the country's Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) to create a hydrogen pipeline system by 2032, according to the agency.
July 24, 2024 18:48
Germany unveils €20 billion hydrogen infrastructure plan

German gas transmission operators have submitted an application to the country's Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) to create a hydrogen pipeline system by 2032, according to the agency.

According to Report, which cites Interfax, the hydrogen network is expected to have a length of 9,666 km (about 60% of the pipelines will be converted from existing gas pipelines, as building a new hydrogen pipeline can take 5-8 years, and Germany plans to reduce gas consumption). The expected investment is 19.7 billion euros. The entry and exit capacities are about 100 GW and 87 GW, respectively.

At the same time, hydrogen demand is expected to be met by 50-70% through imports as early as 2030. For example, several import points from neighboring countries (such as Denmark, Norway, or the Netherlands) are planned in northwestern Germany.

BNetzA notes that Germany's natural gas needs will continue to decline towards 2045 to achieve the goal of climate neutrality. However, it is necessary to ensure that the remaining gas pipeline network will be able to meet the expected natural gas demands.

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