Baku. 8 September. REPORT.AZ/ Impacts of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) thrown out into interplanetary space after X-9 flare on September 6 faster reached the Earth late yesterday and caused the strongest geomagnetic storm in recent years. At present, speed of the solar plasma wind is 726 km/s".
Elchin Babayev, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs at ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysics Observatory named after N. Tusi, told Report.
He noted that strong geomagnetic storm will last several days: "At present, key geomagnetic indice Kp is equal to 8 (maximum 9). G3-G2 storms is expected in the near future. The maximal scale is G5, and such storms rarely occur 1-2 times in 11 years".