Baku. 26 December. REPORT.AZ/ Some state agencies and organizations will be privatized. Report informs, it was reflected in the provision at the plenary session of the National Assembly in the bill recommended About Science.
According to the bill, within a specified period and not later than 5 years, failing to achieve scientific results, non-accredited or bankrupted academic institutions can be opened for privatization. According to paragraph 1 of this article, only the relevant executive authority of the state of scientific institutions and organizations with the decision can be opened for privatization.
The bill prohibiting the privatization of the state institutions of the science reflected in the provision. It was noted that institutions and organizations engaged in scientific research, as well as operating within their institutions carrying out fundamental and strategically important public research cannot be privatized.
This week a bill About Science will be discussed at Education Committee of the National Assembly which was recommended to the plenary session.