Institute of Geography suggest creating cities that can compete with Baku

Institute of Geography suggest creating cities that can compete with Baku Some administrative districts in Azerbaijan should move to a centralized system, Director of the Geography Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, doctor of geographical sciences Zakir Eminov said, Report informs.
Education and science
December 21, 2021 17:25
Institute of Geography suggest creating cities that can compete with Baku

Some administrative districts in Azerbaijan should move to a centralized system of governance, Director of the Geography Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, doctor of geographical sciences Zakir Eminov said, Report informs.

Considering the expediency of centralized management of economically inactive districts, the scientist said that due to the incorrect usage of some districts' potential, there must be a shift to a new system of administrative management and powers should be centralized in order to operate more efficiently.

He noted that Azerbaijan's potential in agriculture should be taken into account, and agro-industrial complexes should be built.

To prevent the influx of people to the capital, it is necessary to create regional cities that can compete with Baku. The creation of large industrial facilities and service areas in these cities will create a basis for both employment and income generation of residents of the surrounding areas.

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