Biden says climate change is biggest threat to humanity

Biden says climate change is biggest threat to humanity US President Joe Biden Wednesday said climate change was an 'existential threat' to humanity as he met with a small group of supporters in San Francisco and said it was more dangerous than an 'S.O.B. like Vladimir Putin,' Report informs via Daily Mail.
February 22, 2024 09:34
Biden says climate change is biggest threat to humanity

US President Joe Biden Wednesday said climate change was an 'existential threat' to humanity as he met with a small group of supporters in San Francisco, Report informs via Daily Mail.

Biden made his comments during the second day of a three-day fundraising swing through California.

On Wednesday evening he spoke with a high powered group of campaigners called the Climate Leaders Group in the drawing room of a Pacific Heights.

Biden has repeatedly warned that climate change and extreme weather are now the biggest threat to humanity.

A recent poll found that Democrats agree, but Republican see a far bigger threat from China and Iran, suggesting the country is polarized over even its nightmares.

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