Azerbaijani Defense Minister: "Armenians are fateful nation and become a tool of superpowers"

"April battles are a part of historical confrontation with Armenians. For hundreds of years, the Armenian people have committed genocide against the Turkish nation and Muslims, becoming the tools of other empires. We should draw conclusions from this history, always remember it and defend our people, nation, nomeland, mothers and sisters," Azerbaijani Defense Minister, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov said in his interview to AzTV.

The minister said that as the Azerbaijani state grows stronger, some forces use Armenians against our country and our nation: "In 1918, Armenians were given the opportunity to build a state on the Azerbaijani lands. Nevertheless, after the establishment of their state, they committed a crime against Azerbaijan, our people and the Turkish nation. Therefore, we should draw conclusions from these historical events. Armenians are always hostile to the Azerbaijani statehood and will always be in this position. Therefore, we should demonstrate solidarity and protect our people. The Azerbaijani government systematically carries out serious works to strengthen the state. A serious work is being done towards internal and external policy, as well as army building. As Azerbaijan grows stronger, Armenians are getting more active. Armenians are used for some purposes. Armenians are a fateful nation. They have become a tool of the superpowers."

The Defense Minister underlined that before the April war the officers of the Defense Ministry had prepared plans to prevent provocations: "Azerbaijan is getting stronger day by day. First, the economy of the country and then army are strengthening. As a result of the reforms carried out by President Ilham Aliyev in the Azerbaijani Army, our army strengthened and stroke a crippling blow to the enemy. Before the April battles, we also had conflicts with Armenians. For example, in the year 2015, the Armenians had great losses. As military servicemen, we must always be ready for the provocation of the enemy. These plans are prepared and approved in advance. It was planned and the general plan was approved by the Commander- in- Chief."

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