Azerbaijani Defense Minister: We are aware that enemy's army in deplorable situation

Baku. 2 May. REPORT.AZ/ "The situation at the front once again demonstrates that our armed forces fully seized the initiative, keeping under control the enemy troops and inflicting crushing blows.

We are aware that enemy's army is in deplorable situation. Increasing the number of diseases, the spread of defections, the arbitrariness, the lack of discipline - this is the real situation in their army. The Armenian side is forced to fill the trenches of the civilian population, involving mercenaries from different countries". Report informs, it was stated by the Minister of Defense of Azerbaijan, Colonel-General Zakir Hasanov at a meeting with a group of veterans of the War 1941-1945 on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory over fascism.

The Minister noted that the Armenian side recently adhering to the fascist ideology, not lag behind them in cruelty, makes clear what policy followed Armenia :"However, none of these methods will help them. Our armed forces are ready to liberate the occupied lands. You also play a big role in this issue.Your experience, knowledge and skills are a model and example".

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