Azerbaijan Judo Federation opens Sumgayit training base today

Baku. 24 September. REPORT.AZ/ The opening ceremony of the Sumgayit training base of the Azerbaijan Judo Federation was held today.

President of the International Judo Federation Marius Vizer, President of AJF Rovnag Abdullayev, Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov, Head of the Sumgayit City Executive Power Zakir Farajov, Head of Azerkimya PU Imran Arzumanzade, representatives of sports community and others attended the event.

The guests visited the training room after getting acquainted with the medical room, gym and dressing room.

Here, the junior judokas demonstrated their training elements.

Welcoming the guests, veteran judoka, former Chief Coach of the Azerbaijan National Paralympic Team Ahmaddin Rajabli welcomed the guests and reminded that his personal acquaintance with Vizer took place in 1988.

He expressed his gratitude to AJF, Azerkimya and Sumgayit City Executive Authority for the launch of a training facility that meets modern requirements.

Vizer expressed his congratulations and gratitude to Azerbaijan for the high-level organization of the world championship in Baku. He said what he saw in the hall pleased him: "In addition to being the type of Olympic sports, judo praises human nature and integration into society. It's important to be a champion in the race. But the most important thing is to become a champion in life. To do this, the judo has the necessary elements. This center has given me a very good impression. I would like to thank the AJF and the city authorities for providing such a hall. As a judo family, I am proud of your achievements. I wish you all success in your career and life."

Later, the officials presented Judogi to judokas.

Farajov presented to Vizer his portrait with oil painting and a pigeon souvenir, symbolizing Sumgayit. The head of the executive power also gave a special gift to Rajabli.

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